
$2.99 /mo.
  • send 1 to 2 recipients monthly
  • choose from 3 gift categories
  • landing page for the recipient
  • add custom message
  • recipient can send digital “thank you”
  • 24/7 customer service & tech support
  • upgrade available


$5.99 /mo.
  • send up to 10 recipients monthly
  • choose from 3 gift categories
  • landing page for the recipient
  • add custom message
  • recipient can send digital “thank you”
  • 24/7 customer service & tech support
  • upgrade available


$7.99 /mo.
  • send to more than 10 recipients
  • choose from 3 gift categories
  • landing page for the recipient
  • add custom message
  • recipient can send digital “thank you”
  • 24/7 customer service & tech support
  • upgrade available


$5.99 /transaction
  • send to 1 recipient
  • choose from 3 gift categories
  • landing page for the recipient
  • add custom message
  • recipient can send digital “thank you”
  • 24/7 customer service & tech support
  • purchase when necessary